
Book Video Audio Tips by RaisyRoo

Many effective book videos don't require audio at all, but for those that do, which is the majority, well placed stingers, hits, swells, drones, sound effects and theme music can make an average promo, awesome. Hollywood trailer techs are masters at incorporating compelling elements into movie promos, and with budgets pushing $400K, a fair chunk of those resources are allocated towards audio. The good news for the book video market is, accomplishing the same high level of audio is very doable using professional software like Adobe Audition or Final Cut Pro. In fact, a number of studios use these programs to mix complete movie soundtracks. The key is to be sure the timing of the audio lines up perfectly with the visuals, and the source files are clean. Voice-overs especially, can create a lot of extra work if the recordings didn't originate in a sound booth (a closet surrounded with mattresses does qualify as a sound booth ;). Some hums, clicks, and minor pops can be fixed, but if the recordings are of poor quality, they may not be usable at all, especially if there's no background music to help drown out the flaws.

A good place to seek out voice talent is at www.Voice123.com. Simply post a script for your project and within hours you'll receive a number of voice over demos to select from. Technology has made it possible for many of these talented actors to record high quality audio right from their home studios, and then upload or email them instantly. After selecting the talent, negotiate a buy-out price (or post your budget before hand), have them record two to three variations of the lines, and presto - you get what you need.
Remember to never underestimate the power of good audio for your promo!
RaisyRoo is the creator of StoryPromos.com.

About the Author

RaisyRoo is the creator of StoryPromos.com, a book video resource site for authors and publishers.


Traveling at the Right Time by Kurt Schefken

When it comes time to book your cruise, there are a lot of factors to take into account. The first, and most important, is when you want to take your cruise. Depending on what time you want to travel, you may need to book your cruise up to a year in advance. This is complicated by the kinds of accommodation you want to lock in for your cruise.

Luckily, the world of travel prices has become much smaller thanks to the internet. It is very easy to log online and do some price and trip shopping. You can see the travel destination and accommodation options and other details about all the cruise liners and compare prices to get the best deals.

When you first embark on this traveling research adventure, you should start to narrow down the destinations you want. Once you have a pretty good idea of where you want to go, you can start looking more closely at the dates you have available for your journey. You may be able to knock a lot of cruises out of the running because their days do not mix with your availability.

Then you have to decide when you want to purchase your cruise. This is a decision that differs by person. Buying very early means you may not get the best deal, because the cruise liner doesn't know if they will sell out or not. So, some people like to wait until closer to sailing time to try and save some bucks. However, if you wait too long, the cruise dates and accommodations you were hoping for may be gone.

If you have a very flexible schedule when it comes to your vacation, you may want to keep your eyes open for deals. Many cruise lines offer bargain basement trip prices as a cruise date nears and they have not filled all their cabins. In order to take advantage of these kinds of offers you need to make sure you can travel quickly, having passports and other affairs in order.

The best cruising deals can be found if you choose to travel in off seasons or to less-than-favorite destinations. These cruises often have a tough time filling up, so they are willing to cut you a deal to convince you to book a cabin. Just because destinations are in the less-than-favorite category does not mean they are bad destinations. Very few cruise ships sail to bad destinations, some are just areas that have not seen their names highlighted in travel magazines, but still offer an exciting and adventurous trip.

When it comes to the off-season cruises, during the Alaska busy season, which runs from May to September, it's hard to get a booking. Some accommodations are sold out a year in advance. But during the outer edges of this time, or the days before and after the high season you can save a lot of money on the cruise and get much more for your dollar.

About the Author

The copywriter Kurt Schefken is really passionate about themes associated to Oliva and Elche. Sharing his passion in publications like http://www.alicante-spain.com/murcia_flights.html , the reviewer proofed his knowledge on issues associated with flights from murcia.


Historic Library Tour in Spain by Peter Wilson

Many people say there is nothing like a good book. How about a good building full of books and a lot of history. That is what one of Spain's biggest attractions in Madrid has to offer. If you are traveling through Spain, you owe it to yourself to schedule a tour of the Biblioteca Nacional .
From the outside, the building is magnificent. It has a neoclassical façade and the archways are a site many spend a lot of time gazing upon. While it looks amazing from all angles, it really is breathtaking to walk straight forward towards the building and then look up, taking in the magnitude.

You may well run out a number of pictures on your camera with photos of the Corinthian column carvings, statues, and wrought iron gating. The doors are adorned with images of many of Spain's most famous writers. You will be able to pick out Leon and Cervantes. Once inside, you can marvel at the books in the library. There are more than 5 million of them. While it is not the world's biggest library, it is still impressive and is the largest collection of Spanish writings in the world.

The library's books started with the 1712 formation of Phillip V's royal library. Some of the books were acquired in the expected way, of being purchased or given to the library. Others, were taken in seizures. Now considered the National Library of Spain, the library has volumes that detail the complete history of the country and it's growth through the centuries, as well as nearly anything you could imagine relating to Spanish culture. For history buffs, the fact that over a half million of the books are pre 1831 is a major draw.

Those with an appreciation for art may want to take a tour of the engravings and drawings in the collection, or the maps that show the paths explorers would take traveling the world. The library's collection of these items are also unrivaled anywhere else in the world.

Even if you have no literary aspirations, you will still enjoy the inside of the library as much as you enjoyed the outside. The internal architecture is just as impressive. With the silence in the building, you can walk the halls and you may find your imagination taking you back in time through the centuries to get a feel for what it may have been like living in that far in the past. You can also think about the fact that the books and other works you can look at and study are those same pieces that have been looked at and studied by many royal figures in generations past.

In addition to being a location for research, the library also is often a location for exhibitions, showing off the drawings of artists such as Rembrandt.

The library is open all year long, and there is no charge for admission to the building.

About the Author

The collaborator Peter Wilson is specifically interested in areas similar to Murcia and Madrid. You might come across his work on alicante tourist info over at http://www.alicante-spain.com and different sources for alicante tourist info tips.


The First Horror Film by Samantha Bennett

Horror movies are famous all over the world for their essence of thrill, shock and suspense. It is violent, and enjoyment of them depends on an enjoyment of violence and is. All of the Characters from horror movies are important, but the BEST HEROES have a special place in our hearts.


In horror film plots, evil forces, events, or characters, sometimes of supernatural origin, intrude into the everyday world. Early horror films often drew inspiration from characters and stories from classic literature, such as Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, The Wolf Man, The Phantom of the Opera and Dr. Later horror films, in contrast, often drew inspiration from the insecurities of life since World War Two, giving rise to the three distinct, but related subgenres of the horror-of-personality film, the horror-of-Armageddon film, and the horror-of-the-demonic film. The last subgenre may be seen as a modernized transition from the earlier horror films, expanding on the earlier emphasis on supernatural agents that bring horror to the world. Nonetheless, some major studios and respected directors have made forays into the genre, and more serious critics have analyzed horror films through the prisms of genre theory and the auteur theory. Some horror films incorporate elements of other genres such as science fiction, fantasy, black comedy, and thrillers. The horror genre is nearly as old as film itself. The first depictions of supernatural events appear in several of the silent shorts created by film pioneers such as Georges Méliès in the late 1890s, the most notable being his 1896 Le Manoir du diable (aka "The House of the Devil") which is sometimes credited as being the first horror film. Another of his horror projects was the 1898 La Caverne maudite (aka "The Cave of the Demons"). The early 20th century brought more milestones for the horror genre including the first monster to appear in a full-length horror film, Quasimodo, the hunchback of Notre-Dame who had appeared in Victor Hugo's book, "Notre-Dame de Paris" (published in 1831). Many of the earliest feature length 'horror films' were created by German film makers in 1910s and 1920s, many of which were a significant influence on later Hollywood films.

Caligari was both controversial with American audiences, due to postwar sentiments, and influential in its Expressionistic style; the most enduring horror film of that era was probably the first vampire-themed feature, F. His most famous role, however, was in The Phantom of the Opera (1925), perhaps the true predecessor of Universal's famous horror series. , popularized the horror film, bringing to the screen a series of successful Gothic features including Dracula (1931), and The Mummy (1932), some of which blended science fiction films with Gothic horror, such as James Whale's Frankenstein (1931) and The Invisible Man (1933). Universal's horror films continued into the 1940s with The Wolf Man 1941, not the first werewolf film, but certainly the most influential. With the dramatic changes in technology that occurred in the 1950s, the tone of horror films shifted away from the gothic towards science fiction. The classier horror films of this period, including The Thing from Another World (1951; attributed on screen to Christian Nyby but widely considered to be the work of Howard Hawks) and Don Siegel's Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) managed to channel the paranoia of the Cold War into atmospheric creepiness without resorting to direct exploitation of the events of the day.

About the Author

Samantha Bennett is a successful Webmaster and publisher of www.MovieInfluences.com. She provides more information about Movies and what has influenced them over time that you can research in your pajamas on her website.

Examining Happiness by Helen F McKay

Do you know what makes you happy? This knowledge could be the most important discovery in your life.

"What is happiness?" a young child asked. For a moment I was a bit taken aback. Then I thought, 'Happiness' is a really complicated sensory thing - a bit like an onion. As you peel away the outer layers, according to your experience, you expose the deeper, more intimate layers, one by one, until you get to the core - inner peace and contentment, which is the essence of happiness.

Happiness has been described as beatitude, blessedness, bliss, cheerfulness, child-like innocent contentment, delight, ecstasy, felicity, being light-hearted, feeling carefree, good-humoured, fun-loving, being joyful, rapturous, merriment, tranquillity, or enjoying inner peace. I know that inner peace is a necessary prerequisite of happiness.

To be happy you must accept yourself, as you are now, not yesterday, or perhaps, tomorrow. You must eliminate that carping inner voice, which is always criticising you, putting down and minimising your achievements. Do this by accepting who and where you are, right now.

I believe happiness is about appreciating small things and simple experiences: the kind of things that leave lasting, enjoyable memories. Happiness is not about over-the-top, expensive, "Gee whizz!" extravaganzas. They may look great, but the happy buzz you experience; doesn't last beyond the moment. The novelty factor evaporates, like steam escaping from a kettle's spout, leaving nothing behind.

For happiness, you need something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to. Do note that: it's someone to love - not someone to love you. It's something you do for others that brings you lasting happiness.

Giving love to others and knowing it's reciprocated, brings a new dimension of happiness into your life. Love is the food on which our happiness is based; yet so many people block this essential emotion, feeling that it brings unnecessary complications to their lives and makes them vulnerable. Pure love does not imply sexuality but deep, spiritual warmth that touches your soul, radiating feelings of great joy, when you share it with others.

Saying the words "I Love You" is so important in all your relationships; yet how frequently do we forget to say them to those closest to us. Telling your family and friends, "I Love You," costs you nothing and brings so much joy and warmth into your life. Try it today!

A wonderful friend recently sent me a card, saying, "Don't postpone joy." How wise he is. Life is not a rehearsal. There are no re-runs! You only get one opportunity to live. As my friend, says: "Don't postpone the joy."

Our lives are full of joyful experiences, yet many folk don't value them as they should. So, often people put off the things that will make them happy, until they have achieved a set goal; but then - having reached that goal - there is always another reason why they cannot enjoy a state of bliss. Procrastination is a bad habit. Whatever you want to do in life, do it now - don't procrastinate and put off starting. Between your dream and the fulfilment of it, life lies waiting.
The important thing about happiness is your attitude towards life. The secret is to look outwards - not inwards. It's a positive mental attitude that is a pre-requisite for happiness. It is not what happens to you, but your reaction to it that is important. You can accept what has happened and deal with it, so you can move ahead; or stay negatively stuck in the moment, in denial. Acceptance of life's challenges is vital to your happiness. There are important lessons to be learned there; buried treasure waiting to be mined.

A doctor, speaking to a group of burned-out geriatric carers, told them of a person who was unable to speak, feed herself, was fully incontinent, and although usually of sunny disposition, often at night, she would scream for long periods of time. She was unable to sit up unsupported, and couldn't walk. He asked the group, "Who would be willing to care for this person?"

There was a totally unenthusiastic response.

He then said, "My wife and I are delighted to have this person in our household. She's our three-month-old baby daughter."
This provoked a huge wave of laughter among the carers. His point was clearly made - that of attitude. The baby was regarded as a delight to care for - but the prospect of caring for a geriatric with the same needs - a burden. A positive attitude is essential to your happiness.
Do you know what makes you happy? This knowledge could be the most important discovery in your life. Get a sheet of paper and list, ten things happy things from today. Start a Happy Book and write these things, every day, and look back on Blue days, when you need to find happiness.
About the Author

Helen F McKay is author of "Links to your Happiness". Helen's other published books are "About Storytelling" - "Riotous Riddles" and "Gadi Mirabooka". Details of Helen McKay's latest book are at www.happinesslinks.com


Halloween 2007 - Sexier Costumes by Sexy Bunnie

Over the years I have watched women's halloween costume evolve. Sexy and sultry versus scary has been the trend. Story book characters are out and strip club dress is in.

Anytime we go out, we want to show off our God given assets. Halloween is the one day each year we can let our hair down, escape the daily hum drum of work dress and have some fun.
On this night of Hallow even the nice girls can dress like a sultry witch or a dominatrix and still feel good about themselves the next morning. They don't see anything wrong with making Halloween more about eye candy rather than sweet tarts and gummy worms.

I personally don't have a problem going out wearing a tight fitting corset with a tight pair of jeans anytime. I'm a bit of an exhibitionist anyway. However, many women aren't comfortable going out wearing anything quite so revealing because they fear the backlash of opinions and gossip of their friends and co workers.

This year's trend is definately toward 'sexy is better'. Revealing and sultry halloween costumes with a hint of little girl cuteness is what will be in the stores this year.

A couple of the more popular costumes this year will be due to pop culture roles. As an example, sexy pirate costumes will be in this year probably due to the enormous popularity of "Pirates of the Caribbean". Another popular costume this year will be sexy naughty nurses costumes, possibly due to the popular TV series "Grey's Anatomy".

It doesn't really matter if your personality is on the wild side or if your super conservative, this is your year to go out and strut your stuff. You can find something that fits one of our innermost fantasies and have some fun with it. Go have some fun scaring up those compliments on your costume. Remember, its all about having fun.

I think the most popular costumes this year are going to be:
* Naughty Nurses * Sultry Housewives * Sexy Pirates * Scantily clad storybook characters * Sexy Cops
So dress out and go have fun 

About the Author

Before you buy a costume online, please check out Bunnies-closet's excellent selection

The Infrared Lamp Who Needs One? by James D. Carden

What the heck is a infrared lamp and why would I ever use one? The initial reaction of those who come across a infrared lamp usually isn't very positive. However, that is a big mistake.

Infrared lamps are quickly becoming the answer to body detoxification and many people swear by its use. No matter if you're already healthy or suffering from a serious disease, the waves emitted by a Infrared Lamp can prove useful in some fashion. A Infrared lamp is composed of an electrical plate that heats a special, proprietary clay blend that surrounds it. This clay contains a combination of many different elements of the Earth and when it is heated, it emits infrared waves that vibrate at the same frequency as the human body.

As scary as it sounds, the waves of a Infrared lamp will penetrate your body and begin heating the cells in your core. From here, all your cells will begin to heat and the toxins within those cells will literally be pushed out and through the pores as a part of your perspiration. This is known as "detoxifying" the body. Many people, especially those that scoff at the use of a infrared lamp, do not believe in detoxification. However, aside from the use of a infrared lamp for detoxification, there are numerous other benefits that may be of use to a skeptic. For example, the waves generate by these infrared lamps can ease inflammation and promote circulation, which is good for those suffering from minor aches and pains, a simple ankle sprain, or even diabetes.

An entire book could be written on the benefits of infrared waves, but one should just try a infrared lamp. These are affordable and cheap to run and also are very portable. Just a few sessions with a infrared lamp and any skeptic will begin to believe. The powers of healing from these infrared lamps are amazing. They even provide a healthy energy boost. The only way to truly understand how healthy you can feel is to try it. You never know until you try (a infrared lamp)!

About the Author

James is the owner of two successful online stores: www.jdsorientalhealthsupply.com and www.chimachineonline.com The stores supply Chi Machines, Infrared Lamps, Infrared Saunas, and alternative health products


Health Insurance by Bharat Book Bureau

Bharat Book Bureau, a leading market information distributor has tabled a report -Health Insurance (http://www.bharatbook.com/detail.asp?id=4103) If you are involved in selling health insurance to third parties and want to guarantee a satisfied customer base and improved repeat business and client referrals, then you need to subscribe to Health Insurance magazine. Learn about new health insurance products from one convenient and objective source Offer your clients the best advice based on the broadest coverage - and build your business Essential reading for independent financial advisers and professional intermediaries and brokers Develop the future of your business and help your clients

Health Insurance is a magazine for professional intermediaries and IFA's who are involved in selling health insurance and protection products both to individuals and companies. When you subscribe you will benefit from regular coverage of developments in all health insurance product areas, including private medical insurance, long term care, critical illness, income protection, and employee benefits. Which means that you can offer objective advice to your clients across the broadest possible product base - keeping your clients happy and your business growing.

A breadth of coverage you will appreciate now

In addition to monthly copies, readers also receive regular free supplements offering practical advice on selling health and protection products. Health Insurance is your key to offering a better service and to developing the profitability of your business. Subscribe to Health Insurance today For more information kindly visit :http://www.bharatbook.com/detail.asp?id=4103 We are a leading information aggregator, facilitates and supports the business information needs for market research , corporate / strategic planning by providing the latest information in the form of reports, journals, magazines and databases on varied industries like automotive, oil and gas, shipping, textiles, pharmaceuticals, energy, banking, finance, insurance, risk management, country intelligence, consumer & durable goods, chemical and more. With over 90,000 reports, you can get instant access and insights on the studies in your areas of interest. Contact us at +91 22 27578668 / 27579438 or email info@bharatbook.com or our website www.bharatbook.com

About the Author

We are a leading information aggregator, facilitates and supports the business information needs for market research , corporate / strategic planning by providing the latest information in the form of reports, journals, magazines and databases on varied industries like automotive, oil and gas, shipping, textiles, pharmaceuticals, energy, banking, finance, insurance, risk management, country intelligence, consumer & durable goods, chemical and mo


Jokes per Day Could Keep the Doctors Away by Charlemagne Solanor

I have always been fascinated about jokes. Who aren't, anyhow? As far back as everyone can remember, jokes have been part of our lives. It has been around us for better or for worse. Funny jokes brighten up our days and have become a sanctuary for many stressed and burnt out souls seeking refuge that they'd call their own.

True, laughter, an inevitable reaction caused by funny jokes, is contagious and is the best medicine. In fact, in recent studies, it has been found out that laughing appears to boost blood flow, thus reducing people's risk of developing heart disease. Here are some of the fascinating benefits of laughter taken from BUPA (http://www.bupa.co.uk/) which are worth noting:

* Laughing is thought to help you to fight off illnesses by boosting your immune system. It increases the amount of immunoglobulins, natural killer cells and T cells in the body, which fight infection and tumours. * Laughing reduces pain. Children watching comedy films relax more and tolerate pain more easily. In fact, humorous videos are being used in anaesthetic rooms at Manchester Children's Hospital. And an American nurse has found that telling jokes to her patients before she administers a painful treatment reduces their discomfort. * Laughing reduces allergic responses, including hay fever symptoms. * Laughing lifts your mood - even if you have to force yourself to laugh. * Laughing reduces the effect of stress by lowering stress hormone levels. * Laughing helps keeps diabetes under control. It may help to control spikes in blood sugar levels after a meal, reducing the chances of diabetic complications. In one study, people who watched a funny video during dinner had lower blood sugar levels after the meal compared to the people who watched a lecture video.

Many people today realize the medical benefits of laughter. That is why, some people see to it that apart from getting a good amount of exercise and proper nutrition, they also take a good dose of laughter each day. How do you get a good dose of laughter each day? Simple. You don't have to spend too much time to laugh and you don't even have to try hard to figure out how to laugh. Laughing comes naturally as a product of something amusing. What amuses you? They could be wholesome funny television shows such as the slapsticks of the 30's or Adam Sandler films. A good joke book or a monthly subscription to syndicated comic strips would also do the trick. These days, with the advent of the internet, you can take advantage of the explosion of wholesome entertainment from free websites that offer huge amounts of jokes enough to make you laugh for the rest of your life.

So the next time you're stressed and burned out, take a deep breath, relax and find yourself a good source of laughter each day. Try it and you'll see the miracle that only laughter can bring.
Visit the author's Jokes per Day blog at http://jokesperday.blogspot.com/ to find a daily dose of wholesome jokes.

About the Author

Charlie is just another guy whose fascination with anything amusing has been taken a step further...by creating his new blog called Jokes per Day at http://jokesperday.blogspot.com


Lawyer Advertising Revealed: How To Find And Hire A Battle-Hardened Personal Injury Attorney by Michael Patton, Esq.

Attorney advertising is everywhere--in the phone book, on the internet, in magazines, on television, and in every other type of media imaginable. Personal injury attorneys obviously account for most legal advertising. In fact, personal injury attorneys probably account for more popular media advertisements than all other types of lawyers combined. In an odd twist, however, most good personal injury lawyers (the ones with lots of trial experience and good reputations among the bar and with judges) have little need for expensive advertising. They don't need to advertise, because clients are referred to them. On the other hand, lawyers with limited trial skills who advertise heavily and give the impression that they are experienced saddle the legal profession with a bad name. They are the ambulance chasers.

The main problem with personal injury attorney advertising is that it is too powerful, which is not a new idea. The United States Supreme Court has ruled that attorney advertising can be so powerful as to warrant restrictions on its use, despite free speech guarantees in the federal Constitution. Indeed, every state bar association of which this author is aware places restrictions on attorney advertising to curtail its persuasive effect. But the fact that so many injured people continue to hire advertising attorneys is evidence that restrictions on advertisements are not working. Courts and bar associations are unlikely to place additional restrictions on advertising attorneys, so what else can be done?

This article attempts to do two things: (1) expose advertising attorneys and the personal injury industry and (2) educate the general public on how to find ethical, experienced, talented, and proven trial attorneys. But exposure of the industry and educational materials will be valuable only to the extent that they are not "drowned out" by the work of advertising attorneys. The point of this article is to provide much needed information to injured people in need of excellent legal representation--people who almost always miss the ramifications of hiring attorneys who are heavily advertised.

When attorneys advertise on television, in the Yellow Pages, or in other mediums, they incur high overhead expenses. In addition to high marketing expenses, advertising attorneys hire additional employees to answer phones, screen potential clients, conduct intakes (or "free consultations"), gather client records, and manage a large number of cases. As a result, advertising attorneys are under tremendous pressure to generate cash for payroll and advertising expenses.

The pressure to generate cash flow forces advertising attorneys to settle cases quickly. These lawyers are reluctant to take cases to trial, because trial can be a long and expensive process. Here's the rub: Insurance companies and defense attorneys know which personal injury lawyers are willing to take cases to trial and which ones have a reputation for settling cases quickly. As a result, insurance companies often "low ball" advertising attorneys. Advertising attorneys, in turn, are forced to recommend that their clients accept less than fair value for their claims. Most clients are easily persuaded to take what they can get, and the cycle continues.

On rare occasions, a client may simply refuse to settle. Advertising attorneys often refer those clients to skilled trial attorneys. At this point, it's important to distinguish between types of attorneys. Advertising attorneys are skilled marketers who spend time learning how to sell their services via advertising. An experienced trial attorney, on the other hand, is an expert advocate who spends time developing and honing trial skills and maintaining a good reputation with the local bar association. These attorneys are respected by insurance companies and defense lawyers alike, because they are not afraid to file suit and follow through with trial, which adds value to settlement offers out of the gate.

Now that advertising attorneys are exposed, here's how you can find a battle-hardened, ethical, and talented trial attorney:

Begin your search with an elite organization or association of trial lawyers. The American Board of Trial Advocates is a good example. Seek attorneys who hold leadership positions in this and other associations of trial lawyers.

Research attorneys on the bar association website for your state. Look for attorneys who are board certified in civil trial law (or in the specific field for which you need a lawyer).
Research attorneys on their personal or firm websites. Look for the jury verdicts obtained by the attorney you're considering.

Ask friends, family members, and other attorneys for personal recommendations.
Ask lots of questions at your consultations with attorneys. Make sure the attorney you're considering has handled a case similar to yours and ask about the outcome of that case. Let the attorney know that you're not asking for or expecting a guaranteed result for your own case. Also ask about the number of cases the attorney takes to trial each year and the percentage of cases that settle out of court. Here, you're looking for an indication that the attorney is willing to abandon settlement negotiations if they're not going well and proceed to trial.

Do not begin your search with the phone book or by calling an attorney advertised on television. Only call an advertising attorney after you've done your homework and determined that he or she is well qualified to handle your case and willing to take it to trial if settlement negotiations are unsuccessful. One final word to the wise, attorney referral services often simply rotate the attorneys they recommend. If you are referred to a personal injury lawyer by a friend, family member, other attorney, or referral service, you still need to do your homework.
Armed with this information, you are much more likely to find and hire an attorney who can and will add value to your personal injury case. Good luck!

About the Author

Michael Patton graduated from Vanderbilt University Law School in the top 10% of his class. He worked as an extern clerk for the Delaware Supreme Court and served as Associate Editor on the Vanderbilt Law Review. Michael's experience as a personal injury attorney prompted him to write What You Must Know (And Ask) Before Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney, which is available at http://www.TheInjuryAdvisor.com or http://www.FloridaCrashLaw.com

$7.00 Scripts to Building Affiliate Income by Jason Sparks

$7.00 scripts to build affiliate marketing income.

Are you a affiliate marketer?

Do you want to be a affiliate marketer?

Affiliate marketing is a big business on the internet today, tomorrow and for the rest of the internet exsistence as you and I both know it to be.

Marketing affiliate products online has revolutionized many online websites around the globe. Most sites are created through either programs or simple to install scripts that make it easier for you to manage and control your website and website affiliate products you might advertise or sell of your own products.

Masters of selling self made products like Script Dojo Which is created by Joel Comm who is a master of online marketing himself creates millions a year in affiliate and self designed products.
Affiliate marketing counts for a lot of sales in online marketing of affiliate products and promoting many unique idea's and making millions for owners and folks who do the simple thing everyday by simply adding links or images of some of the top marketing products through out the web.

I never believed in affiliate products for a long time, till one day I was sent a e-mail about a product that seemed as cheesy as all get out, but i needed to do something. My personal sales were slumping, the traffic to my site was drying up and I was stuck in a big dead end making nothing.

Until I figured out that affiliates products were where I needed to be my site was virtualy dying and it was my pigheaded self that was killing off my own business.

Affiliate Tools and Scripts

Unless your a person who can throw anything together and have already proven that you got what it takes to build a information package or E-products that sell then affiliate linking and affiliate programs are a definitive and must on your site.
Joel Comm made a very valuable assertion in a e-book I was reading about building affiliate sales. We all want to sell our own products, we want to make money off our diligent work we put into our own products but sometimes it's neccessary to look past our own stuff and promote affiliate products to increase sales ratio's.

We can't promote google adsense clicks since it's against google policies but we can focus our sites with affiliate products that hold tremendous value and match googles ads we place on oursites.

Think if a possible customer is looking through your site there interested but they just don't find exactly what there looking for but a google ad catches a glimpse of something there looking more for there going to click that link and generate a small to large profit for you, depending on the targeted bid for the keywords used.

$7.00 Scripts To Build Your Income

Joel made a comment that Cinemas don't make much through ticket sales but through advertising business on the previews and promoting things for other businesses they create what we would call affiliate commissions.

Cinemas make there money through popcorn, soda, candy. I'm sure you've noticed a $.89 candy bar you'd buy at the store cost $1.49 in all honesty we know if we want that candy bar were going to pay the $1.49 cause it's there and were not leaving the cinema to go buy it for $.89 at the store. This is where the cinema makes there true profit.

Next time you go to the cinema to see that movie you've been waiting for just think about what you read here and tell me i'm wrong. If you got what I want and it isn't going to cost a arm and a leg you think that I won't spend a little more or drive further to get what i or you are looking for...........sure you will.

About the Author

We dream of success and we think of the next big adventure but thinking and dreaming don't create reality for you. The only true reality is going after what you want and sticking to your plan until you reach your goal.


Sony Ericsson W610i - Fortus Phone Review by Martin Fortus

A Music Lover's Dream Phone

The Sony Ericsson W610i combines all the elements of a terrific mobile phone into one affordable design. This stylish handset is designed with the music lover in mind, featuring Sony Ericsson's unsurpassed walkman and music player. The W610i also has a trendy and attractive look and includes most of the latest mobile features that the average user desires.

The super-thin W610i sports the sleek, eye-catching design common to Sony Ericsson's walkman phones. The vibrant, 1.9 inch display screen provides high quality resolution and the smooth navigation pad, music keys, and keypad are located just below the screen. With such a smooth and compact design, many users find the W610i's keypad small and difficult to use. Another common complaint is that the keys often stick, making text messaging a time-consuming task.

While the tight, flat design of the W610i's keypad may take time to get used to, Sony Ericsson's predictive text feature will make up for lost time. This trendy mobile offers productivity and convenience through a number of other features, as well. A well-organized phone book and business card exchange will keep you in touch, while an assortment of time management tools, including a to-do list and a timer, will keep you on track. Business users will enjoy the conference call feature but, unfortunately, video calling is not supported.

Like many mid-range mobile phones, the W610i doesn't have an outstanding camera, but the 2 megapixel camera does feature auto focus and a flash so pictures and video clips are acceptable for messaging whether they are taken during the day or at night. It may be difficult to capture subjects in the distance, however, with only 2.25X digital zoom.

The W610i's most popular feature is, of course, the exceptional integrated music player that rivals the quality of a dedicated mp3 player. With Sony Ericsson MegaBass and unsurpassed Sony audio quality, this is yet another superb walkman phone. The W610i features dedicated music keys to make it easy to enjoy your favorite tunes and the phone is packed with software to enhance your overall music experience. Download ringtones and mp3s with the convenient PlayNow feature, identify your favorite songs with TrackID, and even transfer your favorite CD tracks from your computer with the included software.

The W610i comes with everything you need to start enjoying the benefits of this stylish walkman phone. A 512 MB memory stick micro memory card is included and will hold about 100 songs and pictures. Additional memory sticks can be purchased up to 2GB for more flexible storage. The package also includes a set of Sony headphones for high quality musical enjoyment or you can enjoy your tunes through optional BlueTooth headphones.

Overall, the Sony Ericsson W610i is a great looking, easy to use mobile phone with an outstanding music player for a very reasonable price. The W610i doesn't have the greatest camera and the keys are a bit small and sticky, but if you are looking for a reliable phone with the best music capabilities, this is the handset for you.

About the Author

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Low Calorie Recipes Can Be The Key To Dieting Success by Aileen Cormac

Let's face it, a diet is just about what you can eat. When the food you are able to eat is good-tasting and does not taste like you would expect "diet food" to taste, a diet is much easier to live with. You will be a much happier dieter if you are able to enjoy the food you are eating.

Without satisfying food to eat while you are dieting, a diet may be doomed to failure unless you have very firm will power and are able to endure through those tough times when you are really craving that piece of chocolate cake or dish of tasty ice cream. Those are the moments that separate the successful diets from the unsuccessful ones.

Dieters today are fortunate to have many more resources at their disposal than dieters in years past. Today we have the Internet as well as more dieting books that you could ever hope to read. The array of dieting books available in a single book store is quite impressive these days.
My favorite dieting resource is the Internet. Beyond the millions of recipes one can find, there is also an incredible amount of dieting and weight loss information available. There are countless sites devoted to diets and dieting as well as blogs where dieters share their tips and stories of their struggles while dieting.

The only way I have had success finding good low calorie recipes I can use while dieting was to simply try the ones that sounded good to me. I've made quite a few that I did not care for at all, but along the way I have also found some that I have enjoyed a great deal. I have even found a few that my whole family enjoys, which makes it a lot easier to prepare meals when I am dieting.

Low calorie recipes can be a tremendous help for those who are trying to reduce their caloric intake while dieting. Having food that is enjoyable to eat will make it much easier to remain on a diet and greatly increase your chances for weight loss success.

Don't be afraid to experiment a bit with the low calorie recipes you find. You may be able to improve upon them by using your own ideas. As long as you keep the additional ingredients within the confines of low calorie family, you should be able to experiment to your heart's content.

Dieting can be a very lonely struggle, especially when you live with people who do not have weight problems and are able to eat whatever they like. Having food around the house that is not helpful to someone dieting can be a real problem.

About the Author

Get fresh ideas and my most recent experiments with low calorie meals by clicking the included link to visit my dieting website.

How Much Money Do You Want? by Matt Helphrey

The internet is a world of unlimited opportunities. Their are literally millions of people searching for information every minute of every day. To tap into this resource could provide you and your business with a very lucrative and stable financial future. Think about this for a moment...never before in the history of mankind have we had the opportunity to market to such a broad mass of people with little or no money. If you have a computer and internet connection, and are able to read and write, you have the opportunity to make as much money as you want. Thats right, as much money as you want! So how much money do you want? Of course making money online, like any other business, is directly proportionate to the amount of time and work you put into it. The difference though between a corner shop and a business online is the amount of potential traffic you can receive. Imagine if you will, your local corner mart and their potential customers. In order for them to do good business they must pull in the passer byes (i.e: traffic from walkers and automobiles.) If they are lucky, the store would be located on a busy intersection in a busy city where there may be thousands of cars passing by each day. Nothing compared to the hundreds of millions of people just a click away from your online business. The corner shop faces limitations that an online business does not. For example: hours of operation, holidays, advertising to a local market compared with the world, labor fees, leasing a property along with taxes and permits, etc. When you compare the differences it's easy to see the advantages to running an online business and how the potential in doing so can far outweigh and outreach the earning potentials of a corner shop or mom and pop stores. Of course the first questions to ask would be: "So where do I start? What do I need to get going and actually make money?" Three things...direction, vision, and action. In starting any business you need direction, counseling, some type of advice. The internet is full of it. Don't get overwhelmed. If you already know what type of business and products you're going to use, great, you're a step ahead of the competition. If not, no worries, you can go here for some ideas and more direction. Make sure you read all of the fine lines so you know what you are committing yourself to and research, research, research. If you really want to be rich, study the habits of the rich. If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask. As I stated before, the internet is overflowing with all kinds of free information, so use it to your benefit. Dotcomology is a free down loadable book with very useful information. Just be sure you have a clear direction and a drawn up business plan before you make any transactions. Something very useful in any aspect of life is vision. After you know what direction you're going to go with your business, imagine yourself going through that direction step by step. Envision yourself being so successful that all your friends and relatives envy you. See yourself making all the money you've ever dreamed of. Something that helps me is to actually write down everything I want out of life, and I strongly suggest you do this after you are done reading this. No matter how abstract or ridiculous, write it down on paper. Post it somewhere where you can see it every day. Cut out pictures of things you want and post them. In fact, write yourself a check for any amount you want to make out of this business and put it somewhere where you are constantly reminded of it. Every time you see that check, the list and the pictures, or are reminded of any goals you have for yourself, sit back and envision it as if you had already achieved them. Most importantly: while you have this vision of the things that you truly want, be sure to remain absolutely positive that these goals are achievable. I cannot stress this point enough... be optimistic! If you have any doubts because your goals are too high, push those doubts aside. The final step is action. A lot of us find ourselves caught in the rut of society. Most are stuck in the 9-5 world away from our family and friends, constantly working to pay those bills off and living pay check to pay check. The internet presents a number of opportunities for you to make money. It is now up to you act on those opportunities and start to live the life that you know you deserve. It is time for you to take action and live your life to the absolute fullest. Remain positive and I guarantee everything will work out for you. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit: http://www.LiveLifeToTheFullest.biz -----------------------------------------------------------------
About the Author
Matt Helphrey currently owns and operates www.livelifetothefullest.biz. LiveLifeToTheFullest.biz is dedicated to researching Internet home business ideas and opportunities that can help you start a new Internet home business or grow the one you already have.

Learn How To Make A Life - Changing Income With This Business Home Internet Oppo... by Marsden Tan

The internet marketing bible by Derek Gehl of Internet Marketing Center is a stunner. After reading "The insider secrets to marketing your business on the internet version 2007", I am simply enriched and overwhelmed by its generosity of well written content for the veteran marketers and easy step by step guide suitable for the newbies who are keen to start a home internet business.
To be honest, the amount of profit-making information he packs into the insider secrets of internet business version 2007 has surpassed its selling price. I am blown away by the hot off the presses and latest cutting edge strategies that reveal the exact step-by-step formula Derek has used to grow a $25 investment into $60,000,000 online sales with this business home internet opportunity.
In the package, you get two binders of 800 pages of content broken down into 64 topics. Some of the main courses you can find are:
(1)Step-by-step marketing strategies for both the experienced and newbie marketers to start his internet based home business.
(2)Well layout action plan guiding you and detailing what are the steps to take.
(3)Real life case studies of successful internet entrepreneurs who raked in over $800K.
(4)How you can transform your pastime or something which you enjoy into a lucrative internet home business?
(5)How you can escalate your profit making online if you already own an internet home business?
(6)Free tools and resources on the web which catapult your internet marketing career. Do not belittle the power of free internet marketing tools and resources. I am simply amazed and impressed by just using one of them that literally increases the traffic to one of my sites.
(7)How to develop a totally brand new product without spending a single cent?
(8)How to grow a list of targeted prospect which may eventually convert and recruit an army of like-minded members who are as serious into internet marketing business like you?
(9)Types of lucrative products you can offer online that guarantees 100% net profit with this system
(10)How to attain top website ranking in google, yahoo, msn and other search engines?
I could rant on and on but I need to reiterate that what I have stated above are just the tips of the iceberg in Derek's insider secret to internet business. In the package, it also comes with 5 super bonuses on additional lessons, examples and interviews in four CDs and one DVD. Finally, the cool part is that you can take this step-by-step blueprint to online profits out for a test drive RISK FREE!
About the Author
Marsden Tan is an educator by day and avid internet marketers by night. With Derek Gehl's insider secrets of internet business version 2007, you can learn the strategies how a 23 year old kid are using to make $66,000 each month on the internet http://www.earnwhilesleep.com/internetmarketingtips.html. For more resources or tools on internet marketing, visit http://achieve-your-success.blogspot.com .

Adwords Analyzer Or Keyword Elite by Yim Virak

As you already know, in order to find profitable niches you can use many free tools on the net such as Overture or Google keywords suggestion tools and then go to Google so check for the number of competitors in Google by using quotation mark around the keywords. If your budget is tight then using these tools is ok and if you want to save your valuable time, Adwords analyzer is a very good tool for every internet marketer to be considered.
This program digs a little deeper than the free tools and gives you highly targeted keyword phrases, which give you a higher chance of being ranked on Google's first page.
It is $ 77 of one time payment and note that this keyword research tool is far cheaper than most other ones, including Keyword Elite, Which is around 200 buck! , WordTracker or Keywords Discovery. It does perfume the same basic thing that keyword Elite does at less than half the cost. KEI does come with more options for PPC campaigns, but AdWords Analyzer should do a trick with your niches and Adwords campaign.
Keywords analyzer tell you about the
- relevant keywords
- number of search (Demand)
- number of result (Supply)
- R/S and KEI
- Number of Google Ads
- Number of Adsense Ads
Frankly, If you just want to find profitable niches or compete with your AdWords marketer tools, then this tool can answer all you question but if you need all in one tools including Adsense Champaign , I recommend Keywords Elite to you.
About the Author
Hey! Become an keyword expert: http://keywordelitereviewed.wordpress.com/
Deal with Difficulty to choose the best online biz guide: http://qaulityproductreview.wordpress.com/

How To Stop Smoking Forever

Follow these tips to prevent children from suffering the consequences of second hand smoke;
1) If you must smoke, it is highly important to stay away from children while you do it
Just keep in mind that every time you light a cigarette, you are affecting everyone around you, including loved ones Their risk of negative health effects from second hand smoking is at a higher risk than the average adult
For more important health articles visit Donald\'s Health Website http://www.seoweb2.info/product.php?products_id=22
It is a well known fact that second hand smoke is a major cause of children\'s illness
For teenagers under the age of 18, second hand smoke has been linked with pneumonia, lower respiratory infections, upper respiratory irritation, and increased severity of asthma and asthmatic symptoms blogspot
2) Do not ever smoke in your home
3) Do not ever smoke in your car when your children are riding with you It has been associated with sudden infant death syndrome, middle ear infections, upper respiratory tract infections also know as colds and sore throats, cancer, and leukemia Statistics show that about 5,000 adults die of lung cancer each year as a result of second hand smoke As children develop their lungs and increase breathing rates, their environment could easily affect them in a negative way com A study recently released in Japan suggests that second hand smoke may affect children's gums Second hand smoke is also responsible for increasing everyone's risk of heart disease Second hand smoke has been scientifically proven to cause nasal cancer, cervix cancer, breast cancer and even cancer of the bladder It is much better to smoke outside 80% of the children exposed to second hand smoke, had developed a brownish and even black pigmentation of their gums
4) Make sure that babysitters do not smoke inside or around the child http://www.seoweb2.info/product.php?products_id=22
About the Author
How To Stop Smoking Forever